The Nerf Magstrike is a ten round automatic Dart Blaster which is different from most other modern Dart Blasters, in that rather than using a spring plunger mechanism like the Nite Finder or Raider, you have to prime the blaster by pumping the handle to shoot.
Previously, priming a Blaster was a pain because it slowed down the rate of fire, but thanks to the Mag-strike’s clip system, you can just swap out a preloaded clip instead of having to reload rounds one at a time.
A clip holds 10 darts and can be unloaded in about 1.5 seconds, which is really impressive to behold and makes the priming totally worthwhile.
Fully priming the Magstrike requires roughly 20 pumps, which you can easily do in 10 seconds. Once primed, you can unload the entire clip in rapid succession by holding down the trigger. The range on the Magstrike is great considering the rate of fire – each dart will shoot about 20 feet.
Article Contributors: Kevin Spence-Nerf Guns & Denver Vidler-Sashseti
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